Regula Tschumi Photography Publications

Photographs in Publications

Photographs in Newspapers, Magazines, Journals and books (selection)

Der Standard: Rondo, AUT; De Morgen, BEL; Frankfurter Allgemeine: Quarterly, BRD; SoulofStreet, BRD; Apartamento Magazine, SP; Internazionale, IT; Eyeshot Magazine, IT; EineWelt, BRD; GEO, BRD; Welt am Sonntag, BRD; Science & Vie, FR; Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, BRD; ARTMAPP, BRD; Drunter & Drüber, BRD; Selvedge Magazine, GB; Art Africa, SA; African Arts, USA; Art Forum, USA; Courrier Japon, J; Panorama, IT; Das Magazin, CH; Africa e Mediterraneo, IT; L’Illustré, CH; Zeitpunkt, CH;

Exhibition catalog: Body of Evidence

Cortona on the Move 2024

The exhibition catalog Body of Evidence shows 12 photographs from Regula Tschumi's series Ghana figurative coffins 2004-2024.
ISBN 9 788899 901110

Eyeshot Open Call Edition 2023

Eyeshot Bologna

This 11th edition of the Eyeshot Magazine showcases all the winners and finalists of the Eyeshot Open Call 2023.
Regula Tschumi's photograph titled Dressing up for a New Year event is part of this beautiful publication.
ISBN 979-12-80238-41-2

Siena International Photo Awards 2023

Siena Photo Awards 2023

Siena International Photo Awards
"Beyond the Lens"
The most stunning Images of the Siena Awards 2023 Edition

Eyeshot Open Call Book 2022

Eyeshot Bologna

This tenth issue of Eyeshot Magazine, published in November 2022, showcases the thoughtful and creative photographs of the 70 talented photographers who have been selected as the winners, jurors’ picks and finalists of the Eyeshot Open Call 2022.

Paa Joe in an interview with Apartamento Accra

Apartamento magazine

The Ghanaian coffin artist Paa Joe is featured in the Apartamento magazine 2021/22 with 17 archive photos taken by Regula Tschumi.

Women Street Photographers

Published at Prestel 2021

With a rising number of women througout the world picking up their cameras and capturing their surroundings, this book explores the work of 100 women and the experiences behind their greatest images. The volume is curated by Gulnara Samoilova.

Regula Tschumi is part of this book project and her photograph is also on the back cover.

Bunte Trauer (Colorful grief)

EineWelt March-May 2021

Stefan Rambow interviews Regula Tschumi about the colourful mourning rituals in Ghana and the use of the figurative coffins (German), with photographs by Regula Tschumi. 


Petra Schellen interviews R. Tschumi for the Newspaper Taz 21.3.20 (German):

"People celebrate colorful life at the funeral"
Lions, tigers, high-heeled shoes, sometimes a pepper: The current moving exhibition “Mourning. From loss and change” in the Kunsthalle Hamburg presents, among other things, figurative coffins used mainly by people belonging to an old religion in southern Ghana, which continues to exist alongside Christianity.

The buried treasures of the Ga. Coffin art in Ghana

Text & photographs R. Tschumi
Edition Till Schaap, Berne 2014 (2008)

For some fifty years, the Ga of Greater Accra in southern Ghana have produced coffins in the shape of animals, fruits and status symbols. This unique practice is explored in depth here for the first time in a publication featuring a scholarly text and informative illustrations.

Heute Journal ZDF

German ZDF News channel interviews Ulrike Neurath, Regula Tschumi & Martin Wenzel in the Museum für Sepulkralkultur in Kassel (German) 12.8.2019:

"Swiss photographer Regula Tschumi is fascinated by the funeral rituals of the Ga people in Ghana, she is especially interested in their creative coffins. For the Ga, death is a transition and no the end, the bereaved show more joy than tears", ZDF.

Concealed Art. The figurative palanquins and coffins of Ghana


Text & photographs R. Tschumi, Edition Till Schaap, Berne 2014

In this book, Regula Tschumi questions the art world’s established interpretation of the figurative coffins. She also examines for the first time those figurative palanquins, little-known in western art, and shows that they were the forerunners of the figurative coffins.

Ataa Oko et les Esprits / Ataa Oko and the Spirits

artbrut movies/ataa-oko

A Film by Philippe Lespinasse, Regula Tschumi & Andress Alvarez: Lausanne/Le Tourne, 2009.

Ataa Oko (1919) of Ghana suddenly took up drawing at the age of eighty-three. At first, it was from memory that he drew the personalized figurative coffins that he had once built as a carpenter craftsman, CAB.


Website contributions

«Die Jungen machen immer verrücktere Sachen.» (Quarterly 03/2023)

Quarterly (Issue 03/2023, printed and online)

Regula Tschumi in an interview with the journalist Florian Siebeck talking about the figurative coffins in Ghana.
Published in the prestigious «Quarterly» magazine of the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine FAZ.

Buried Treasures: Coffin Art in Ghana (Issue 28, 2021/22)

Apartamento magazine

An interview with Regula Tschumi about her work in Ghana, about the history of the figurative coffins and palanquins, and about the work of some of the most important and innovative young coffin artists in the Greater Accra and in the Central Region.
The text and the photographs are by ©Regula Tschumi.

Ghanaian Coffins, Centre Pompidou, and Coca-Cola

How a local ritual craft turned into an export commodity.

An article about the story told by Kane Kwei (1928-1992) and his family and retold by many Western authors about the origin of the Ghanaian fancy coffins, and how Regula Tschumi’s PhD research disproved this popular version.

UPphotographrs 2020

UpPhotographers Interviews Regula Tschumi about:
Who - What - Where - When - Why

Im Huhn begraben / Buried in a Chicken

A video of Fabian Biasio in collaboration with Regula Tschumi, 2018.

In Ghana, the shape of coffins make people: With their fantastic shapes, they are a final greeting from the grave. A car for the chauffeur, a cow for the farmer or a camera for the photographer pay tribute to the deceased. Europeans know the coffin art from Ghana as a bizarre burial culture with a penchant for extravagance. But the coffins hold a secret.

Día de Muertos in Mexico – Einladung an die Toten in Mexiko / Invitation to the Dead

Photos from Mexico by Regula Tschumi, Video by Fabian Biasio (German) 2016

Construis-moi un cercueil (Create me a Coffin)

French, Nov. 2018

Marie Destraz (Protestinfo) in conversation with R. Tschumi:

The Ga, an ethnic group from southern Ghana, bury their dead in coffins shaped like hens or trucks. Regula Tschumi, ethnologist, art historian and photographer gave a lecture on figurative art that has become a tradition among Christians too, at Cité Seniors in Geneva, on the Day of the Dead.

A Coffin in the Shape of a Hummer Car

Video by I. Bozsa in collaboration with Regula Tschumi for the Museum der Kulturen Basle, 2016.

As reaction to the impact of missionaries and colonial administrations on the local funeral practices, the Ga of Southern Ghana developed a new coffin culture. Coffins are crafted in a wide range of different forms: Popular figures are related to the job of the deceased or their desires during lifetime, MKB.


1st Prize of the series category at the Pisa Street Photography International Festival 2024.

PSPI 2024

Winner of a Honorable Mention award of the Brussels Street Photo Festival.

BSPF 2024

Winner of the 3rd place and Bronze Star award in the category Daily Life of the Neutral Density Photography Awards 2023.

ND Awards November 2023

2nd Prize of the Siena International Photo Awards
Category: People & Adventures

Siena Awards 2023

Winner of the 20th Julia Margaret Cameron Award 2023 for Women Photographers in the category NON Pro-single Street Photography.

JMCA 2023

Paris International Street Photography Awards 2022
Silver Medal
Classic Street 

PISPA 2022

Paris International Street Photo Awards 2022
Silver Medal
Streets and Children

PISPA 2022

Paris International Street Photography Awards 2022
Honorable Mention
Street & Childrens

PISPA 2022

Winner of the Print Swap competition 2021

Patti Fogarty award 2021 at WSP

Women Street Photographers

Italian Street Photo Festival ISPF 2020
First prize

Miami Street Photography Festival MSPF 2019
Third prize




Siena International Photo Awards 2024 (finalist)

Pisa Street Photography Festival PSPI (series finalist)

Foto Festival Lenzburg (finalist)

Brussels Street Photography Festival BSPF (finalist)

Italian Street Photo Festival ISPF (finalist)

Women Street Photographers Annual Exhibition NY (finalist)


Livorno Photo Meeting 2023

Eyeshot Open Call 2023

Italian Street Photo Festival ISPF Rome

The Independent Photographer IP

The FC’Diary Magazine Open Call


Eyeshot Open Call 2022

Women Street Photographers at the Indian Photo Festival Hyderabad

International Biennial of Photography IV in Guayaquil, Ecquador


Italian Street Photo Festival ISPF

World Water Day Contest, Italy


Women Street Photographers New York

Women Street Photographers Trieste Photo Days

Siena International Photo Awards SIPA

London Street Photography Festival LSPF

Fuji Film Moment Street Photo Awards, Poland

Women Street Photographers Kuala Lumpur

Italian Street Photo Festival ISPF Rome


Women Street Photographers New York

Miami Street Photography Festival MSPF

Women Street Photographers Brussels

Group Exhibitions


Rencontres de la Photographie de Marrakech
Morocco 23.10. - 27.10.2024

Pisa Street Photography Festival 2024
Pisa, Italy 21. - 22.9.2024

Magic Ghana
Gallery Magnin-A, Paris, 13.9.- 30.10.2024

Treviso Photographic Festival
Treviso, Italy 5.9. - 24.9.2024

Views from the Street
Colorado Photographic Arts Center CPAC, Denver USA
16.8. - 4.10.2024

Cortona on the Move: Body of Evidence
Cortona, Italy 11.7.- 3.11.2024

Foto Festival Lenzburg 2024
Exhibition in the town of Lenzburg
25.5.- 26.6.2024

Brussels Street Photo Festival BSPF 2024
Exhibition of the winners and finalists in Brussels

Italian Street Photo Festival ISPF
Exhibition of the winners and finalists
26.- 28.4.24

Belluno Photo Festival in Belluno, Italy
25.4.- 9.6.2024

Annual Women Street Photographers WSP exhibition in New York.
12.- 29.4.2024

Xposure International Photography Festival in Sharjah, United Emirates. 
28.2.- 5.3.2024


Livorno Photo Meeting. Exhibition in Livorno of all the winners and finalists 2023.
17.-19.11.2023 in Livorno

Street sans Frontières / Image Nation Paris
Galerie Joseph le Palais in Paris, 10. - 12.11.2023

Exploring Humanity Through the Lens: Eyeshot's Open Call 2023
3.11. - 28.1.2024 Magazzini Fotografici in Naples

People Sharing all the World. Winners and Honorable mentions of the Siena Awards 2023
1.10. - 19.11.23 in Siena

Treviso Photographic Festival
5.9.- 24.9.2023 in Treviso

A wall of women by women. A group exhibition at the Ballarat International Foto Biennale in Australia.
26.8.- 22.10.2023

Italian Street Photography Festival ISPF exhibition of all the winners and the finalists.
28.- 30.4.2023

Annual Women Street Photographers WSP exhibition in New York
14.4. – 30.4.2023

53 Women Street Photographers by WSP founder Gulnara Samoilova
On view 15.2.-10.3.2023 online
On view 14.4.- 30.4.23 at the annual WSP exhibition NY


50 Women Street Photographers
At the Indian Photo Festival in Hyderabad
18.11. - 19.12.2022

Eyeshot Open Call 2022
70 Finalists and all the winners
Galleria del Cembalo
Rome 17.11. - 23.11.2022

Worlds of Women WOW
Trieste Photo Days in Trieste, Italy
25.10.- 30.10.2022

Treviso Photographic Festival
An international photo exhibition in Treviso, Italy
6.9. - 25.9.2022

Die Geister spielen Fussball
Museum der Völker in Schwaz, Austria
28.5. - 1.10.2022

Street sans Frontières
80 international photographers in Paris
27.-29. May 2022

IV Bienal international de Fotografia de Guayaquil
Museuo Luis Noboa Naranjo Ecquador

ClampArt Gallery, New York
60 photographers selected by Print Swap


6th Biennial of Fine Art and Documentary Photography
Fotonostrum Gallery Barcelona
9.12. - 8.1.2022

National Museum of Anthropology Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico
An international photo exhibition with works of 60 women street photographers.
4.11.- 4.12.2021

Venice Photo Lab
An international photo exhibition in Venice 8 - 17.10.2021

Treviso Photographic Festival
An international photo exhibition in Treviso 7.9. - 23.9.2021

50 Women Street Photographers
2nd virtual WSP exhibition curated by Gulnara Samoilova and Ximena Echague
29.8.- 31.10.2021

A group exhibition in the Casita gallery Berne, Switzerland
20.8. - 26.8.2021

50 Women Street Photographers
A inaugural virtual WSP exhibition curated by Gulnara Samoilova and Ximena Echague
2.5. - 1.7.2021

Double Trouble (part of the Head On Photo Festival 2020 in Sidney)
Brisbane, Australia 9.3. - 28.3.2021
Fujifilm Moment Street Photo Awards Poland
Winners and finalists 2020 in the Cultural Center Gaudemater
Czestochowa, Poland, 1.2. - 26.2.2021


85 Women Street Photographers; Art Space PS109 New York City
10.12.2020 - 2.1.2021

Women Street Photographers at the Indian Photo Festival in Hyderabad, India. An online exhibition 12.11. - 13.12.2020

Double Trouble at the Head On Photo Festival. Printed exhibition, Bondi Beach, Sidney
9.11. - 30.11.2020

Siena International Photo Awards
24.10. - 29.11.2020

56 Women Street Photographers at the Accademia Scaglia during the Trieste Photo Days in Italy.
17.10. - 8.11.2020

46 Women Street Photographers 
An online exhibition curated by Gulnara Samoilova at the Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival in Malaysia 19.8. - 19.9.2020

Double Trouble (part of the Head On Photo Festival), an online exhibition, Sydney
1.5. - 17.5.2020


Women Street Photographers: Art Space PS109 New York City, 12.12. - 2.1.2020

Miami Street Photography Festival: History Miami Museum, Miami 5.- 8.12.2019

Women Street Photographers, Muntpunt, Brussels, 4.10. - 12.10.2019

With the line bus to the other side. Fantastic coffins from Ghana – Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel

ImageNation Arles, Gallery des Arènes Arles, 15 .- 20.7.19

Street sans Frontières, an international photo exhibition in Paris, May 2019


Shapes of the Ancestors: Bodies, Animals, Art, and Ghanaian Fantasy Coffins – Mathers Museum of World Cultures, Bloomington USA.

Celebration! – Permanent exhibition of the MAS, Museum Aan de Stroom, Antwerpen 

Street sans Frontières
An international photo exhibition in Paris, May 2018

Unvergessen machen (make unforgotten)
Museum of the Peoples, Schwaz in Austria – mdv


Until 2021 L’impermanence des choses – Permanent exhibition of the Ethnographic Museum Neuchâtel – MEN

Accra– Portraits of a City – ANO Gallery of Nana Oforiatta Ayim in Accra, Ghana

Until 2018 Jambo Africa – Tropical House, Wolhusen, Switzerland


Until 2018 C’est la vie — Museum of Natural History, Berne


Diesseits – Jenseits – Abseits. Funeral traditions worldwide — Museum of the University, Tübingen MUT


Les Hors-Champs de L‘Affiche — Ethnographic Museum Neuchâtel — MEN exhibition archives

2012 / 2013

Hors-Champs — Ethnographic Museum Neuchâtel — MEN exhibition archives


Griff Rhys Jones’ Ghanaian fantasy coffin — Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich

People and Possession Gallery — National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh

Until 2015: Living and Dying Gallery — British Museum, London


Der letzte Schnaufer — Luftmuseum Amberg, Amberg


Six Feet Under — Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden

Six pieds sous terre — Photoforum Meyrin, Geneva 


Six Feet Under — Art Museum, Berne